Live Your Dream Gemstone Bracelet: Harness the power of creativity and live your dream…
Wear this Live Your Dream Gemstone Bracelet to attract abundance into your life. It will help you manifest your desires and dreams. You will feel more creative and confident in pursuing your goals. The stones resonate with the power of both patience and perseverance. In addition, they will bring vitality, protection, and good luck to you on your path. This bracelet was designed by Susan Heather Ross to inspire you to be innovative and to live your dream. The sky’s the limit!
Attributes of this Gemstone Bracelet:
Carnelian – passion, creativity (orange)
Carnelian increases personal power and physical energy. It is helpful with the lower chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus) in boosting creativity and confidence. In addition, it helps you connect with your passionate nature and manifest your desires.
Goldstone – vitality, creativity, perseverance (orange/gold flecks)
Goldstone is a stone of abundance and perseverance. It builds vitality, creativity, and a positive attitude. In addition, it brings emotional balance to relationships. Furthermore, it increases drive, passion, and confidence. As a result, Goldstone strengthens the sacral chakra and helps with creative pursuits.
Turquoise – patience, good luck, joy (light blue)
Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras. It is particularly helpful with the throat chakra. It is excellent for depression and can help prevent panic attacks. Additionally, it promotes self-realization and protects you from harm. Turquoise also assists with creative problem solving and has been used by many shamans, warriors, and spiritualists throughout history.
Amethyst – spiritual purification, protection from negativity (violet)
Amethyst activates spiritual awareness and enhances psychic abilities. It relieves stress and soothes irritability. In addition, it dispels fear and anxiety. It alleviates sadness, grief, and dissolves negativity. Furthermore, it connects you with the angelic realm and receive guidance from light beings.
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