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Chakra means Wheel of Light in ancient Indian Sanskrit. As a system, there are seven major areas of subtle energy called chakras (wheels) that align with the spine in the human body. Energy exists all around and through us. The Chakras allow the universal energy of consciousness to move from one frequency to another, spiraling along the spine and throughout the body through the nadis (channels). Furthermore, each chakra has a specific function and quality and all work together to help us strive for health, balance, happiness and well-being. It is vital to balance one’s chakras if the energy is blocked or rotating improperly through modalities such as yoga, meditation, and chakra balancing sessions. Additionally, wearing chakra balance gemstone jewelry can help heal the chakra system.

Hatha/Kundalini Yoga is a wonderful way to connect with your chakras and Inner Voyage Wellness offers online Zoom yoga sessions that promote healing and balance mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara Chakra

Mantra – I am grounded, stable and protected (Shanti Hum)
Seed Sound – Lam

Root Chakra – I AM

Sanskrit: Muladhara
Support – stability, survival, grounded, fearlessness
Color – red

Element – earth
Location – base of the spine
Organs – (elimination) colon, anus, urethra

Sense– smell
Issues–instability, feeling lack, fear

Svadhisthana Chakra

Mantra – I am creative, joyful and balanced (Ananda Hum)
Seed Sound – Vam

Sacral Chakra – I FEEL

Sanskrit: Svadhisthana
Sweetness – joy, abundance, creativity, emotions, passion

Element – water
Location – below the naval
Organs – (sex organs) bladder, prostrate, womb

Sense – taste
Issues – emotional, sexual, lack of passion and creativity

Manipura Chakra

Manipura Chakra

Mantra – I am confident and manifest my desires (Dharma Hum)
Seed Sound – Ram

Solar Plexus Chakra – I DO

Sanskrit: Manipura
Lustrous Gem – confidence, willpower, motivation, purpose
Color – yellow

Element – fire
Location –between the naval and heart
Organs – (digestive) stomach, gut, pancreas

Sense – sight
Issues – low self-esteem, ego, weakness

Anahata Chakra

Mantra – I am love, compassion and gratitude (So Hum)
Seed Sound – Yam

Heart Chakra – I LOVE

Sanskrit: Anahata
Unstruck – compassion, unconditional love, generosity
Color – green

Element – air
Location – the chest
Organs – (circulation) heart, lungs, thymus

Sense – touch
Issues–anger, poor relationships, isolation

Vishudha Chakra

Vishudha Chakra

Mantra – I am truth and express myself freely (Sat Nam)
Seed Sound – Ham

Throat Chakra – I SPEAK

Sanskrit: Vishudha
Purification – expression, communication, truth
Color – blue

Element – sound
Location – the neck
Organs – (endocrine) throat, thyroid, parathyroid

Sense – hearing
Issues-poor communication and expression, overbearing

Ajna Chakra

Mantra – I am wisdom and intuition (Aum)
Seed Sound – Aum (lower pitch)

Third Eye Chakra – I SEE

Sanskrit: Ajna
Perceive – insight, clairvoyance, wisdom
Color – indigo

Element – ether
Location – mid brain
Organs – (limbic system) pituitary/pineal glands

Sense – intuition
Issues – spiritually disconnected, lacking insight, negative outlook

Sahasrara Chakra

Crown Chakra

Mantra – I am one with all of creation (Aham Bramasmi)
Seed Sound – Aum (higher pitch)

Crown Chakra – I AM ALL

Sanskrit: Sahasrara
Thousandfold – oneness, consciousness, enlightenment

Element – consciousness
Location – top of head
Organs – (nervous system) pineal gland, spine / Sense–akasha
Issues–depression, confusion, agitation

The Chakra System

Lower Chakras

The lower chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus) are associated with the physical, material world. They are contained within a downward-facing triangle. As a result, when an individual has a healthy Root Chakra, he/she feels grounded, stable, capable, and secure.

The vital energy contained in the Root Chakra rises through the Sacral Chakra which is the center for joy, abundance, emotional balance, and passionate creativity. As a result, this stable, creative energy flows upward through Solar Plexus Chakra, which is the place of action, confidence, will power and manifesting one’s goals and dreams. It is like a seed that is given the proper soil, water, and sunlight to grow and thrive. 

Upper Chakras

The upper chakras (Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown) are associated with compassion and spirituality. They are contained within an upward facing triangle. When the lower chakras are rotating properly, and in balance, one can begin to experience the spiritual aspects of the upper chakras through the gateway of the heart. The Heart Chakra is the place of compassion, generosity, unconditional love, and gratitude. A person with a strong Heart Chakra is vibrating on a higher frequency of love as the energy flows through the Throat Chakra, which is the center of speaking one’s truth, kindness in communication, and freedom of expression.

From this place of truth, the energy then flows through the Third Eye Chakra, which is referred to as the all-seeing eye and the sixth sense of insight, intuition, clarity, and wisdom. It is located in the midbrain and associated with both the pituitary and pineal glands, which work in tandem to create balance. In effect, the pituitary gland has the quality of rational, analytical, reasoning, whereas the pineal gland has the quality of intuition and imagination.

The pineal gland perceives light and contains color receptors, a lens, rods, and cones, just like actual eyes. It regulates the body’s melatonin, which is its’ sensitivity to light and dark, as well as our waking and dreaming states. It forms at the moment of the determination of one’s gender, which happens on the forty-ninth day of fetal development. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is believed that after the soul leaves the body at death, it takes forty-nine days for it to incarnate into a new form.

Kundalini Energy

There is a link between the pineal gland and the roof of the mouth, which has eighty-four meridian points that are stimulated during mantra chanting, sending the vibrations to the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands. The word mantra means “instrument of the mind.” Reciting specific mantras can lead to higher-level consciousness through the Crown Chakra, which is located at the top of the head.

Just as the Root Chakra connects us to the earth, the Crown Chakra connects us to the oneness of the cosmos. It is represented by a thousand-petaled white lotus flower, with each petal acting as antenna or receiver of universal energy. The male energy of Shiva (Creator) flows down through the chakras to the Root Chakra, merging with the feminine energy of Shakti (Creation). As a result, this union balances the mind, body and soul while also eliciting a heightened state of being. It is known as Kundalini energy and believed to be the latent, potential energy at the base of spine. It is likened to a sleeping serpent that is awakened when stimulated by yoga, meditation, chanting, channeling, plant medicine, sexual experience, etc. It is referred to as a Kundalini Awakening and can be a life changing experience.

The Eighth Chakra – Auric Field

The central column along the spine containing the seven main chakras is called the Sushumna. On both sides of this column are intertwining feminine/masculine channels called Ida (lunar/female) on the right and Pingala (solar/male) on the left. These pathways transport vital energy through the chakras and the channels throughout the body called the nadis, which then transmit it to the Auric Field around the body, often referred to as the Eighth Chakra. As a result, this field is where we hold the vibration of each chakra and, in effect, the total vibrational frequency we are projecting out into the world. 

Each chakra has a certain number of flower petals around its’ perimeter which add up to the sacred number 144,000. The petals are stimulated by particular vibrations known as Bija seed sounds that are chanted during meditation practice to promote overall well-being. There are many different references to the number 144,000 in ancient manuscripts and scriptures connecting it to enlightenment or being “saved” in some way. It seems that a universal truth being expressed through the concepts associated with the chakra system. 

Additionally, are many minor chakras throughout the body, which all work together to help us strive for health, balance, happiness, and well-being. A mind, body, spirit connection exists between the individual chakras as well as both positive and negative aspects of each. As a result, if a person is experiencing an issue with one chakra, it throws the other chakras out of balance. Once he/she is aware of the specific qualities of each chakra, he/she can use strategies such as diet, yoga, meditation, being in nature, reading, writing, listening to music, etc. to work through the imbalance and begin the healing process. 

Chakra Balance Gemstone Jewelry

Chakra healing with gemstones involves understanding and working with the chakras to help correct imbalances and promote healing, happiness, and balance.

Susan Heather Ross can create a custom chakra ladder necklace using a variety of gemstones to help balance your chakras.

Want a custom designed chakra balance gemstone jewelry creation?

Contact Us to have your own custom spiritual piece made by Susan Heather Ross.