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Chakra Balance Healing

Chakra balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channeling energy into the seven chakras, located along the body’s central axis known as the Sushumna column. Each chakra is believed to correspond to different aspects of our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

When our chakras are balanced, our prana (the Sanskrit yogic term for energy) flows freely through these energy centers, and we feel grounded, creative, confident, joyful, expressive, and spiritually connected. If there are blockages or imbalances, this pranic energy can’t flow properly, possibly leading to emotional instability, anxiety, and physical symptoms. When our chakras are balanced. we can reclaim our personal power and boost our self-esteem, resulting in a harmonious union of the spirit, mind, and body.

Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Imbalances

Mental – confusion, disconnection from oneself, depression, mood swings, inability to focus, negative thought patterns… (third eye, crown)

Physical – instability, insecurity, not grounded, manifestation of disease in the body, internal organ and skin issues, sluggishness, exhaustion… (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat)

Emotional – a lack of willpower, issues communicating, feeling lackluster or bored, sadness, anxiety, stressed out… (sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat)

Spiritual – overly rational thinking, disconnection from source (creator and creation), alienation, depression, hopelessness… (sacral, heart, throat, third eye, crown)

Chakra Balance Session

An imbalance in the chakras can mean that the energy center has either too much energy or not enough. The first step to a chakra alignment is determining whether the chakra needs more or less energy.

Before your session begins, your chakra system will be assessed during a 15-minute discussion followed by a pendulum reading.

During your session your chakras will be attuned and balanced using gemstone therapy, tuning forks, therapeutic sound bowls, while receiving a reiki energy transfer.

Your session concludes with a healing sound bath using a variety of Tibetan medicine bowls, crystal bowls, a gong, and other resonant instruments.

Book an in-person session in a unique private studio in Las Vegas, NV

Cost Per 1 Hour Session – $75