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Hindu Deities

Hindus believe that Brahman (creator) was born from a golden egg which created the cosmos and all things in it. The thousands of deities (gods and goddesses) are said to have emerged from the cosmic egg of Brahman and are the embodiment of ideas and characteristics that are a part of life such as strength, confidence, and compassion.

The Hindu deities can be called upon in times of need to guide us in overcoming obstacles, mustering courage, and attracting abundance by reciting their mantras. Although the deities originated in India and are an integral part of the Hindu belief system, they have become popular in the west due to the influence of yoga. As a result, they are believed by many people to wield tremendous power to assist an individual on his/her life journey and karmic path. 

Hindu Deities Characteristics

The deities are multilayered in meaning, which is expressed through the images and symbols that are associated with each one. It is the underlying energy behind the visual imagery that one can harness to achieve a desired outcome. In doing so, it is important to understand that they are very powerful. As a result, one must approach them with the utmost respect and gratitude.

Shiva – (part of the trinity of Brahma the cosmic egg and Vishnu the Preserver) Creator, Preserver, and Protector, Destroyer, and Transformer – guides in overcoming one’s ego for optimal spiritual growth.

Ganesha – (the elephant deity and son of Shiva) Remover of Obstacles, Bestower of Wisdom, Challenger – guides in overcoming obstacles and creates challenges to acquire wisdom.

Kali – (the female counterpart of Shiva) Destroyer of Evil and Ego, Protector, Bestower of Moksha (liberation, passion, and bliss) – guides in protection from evil and overcoming the ego to achieve Moksha.

Vishnu – (part of the trinity of Brahma the cosmic egg and Shiva the Transformer) Protector, restorer, manipulator of cosmic energies – guides in the restoring karma to achieve Moksha.

Lakshmi – (the sister of Saraswati and consort of Vishnu) – Goddess of Prosperity, Abundance, Wealth and Good Fortune – guides in manifesting all forms of abundance and gratitude (connected to owls and elephants)

Saraswati – (the sister of Lakshmi and the female counterpart of Vishnu) Goddess of Music, Art, Literature, Nature, and Wisdom – guides in acquiring wisdom through all creative pursuits.

Deities Ladder Necklace

Contact us for a custom designed Deities Ladder Necklace created by Susan Heather Ross.