The Origin of Palo Santo

Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens) is a sacred, mystical tree that grows on the coast of South America and is related to Frankincense, Myrrh, and Copal. The name translates from Spanish to “Holy Wood” and the wood is burned to clear negative energy while promoting the flow of positive energy. Many people in countries such as Peru and Ecuador use Palo Santo regularly in their daily lives in a variety of ways such as repelling mosquitoes and other insects. The smoke has a pleasant, woodsy, citrus scent. It can be used to clear any space that may have discordant energies as well as prepare the space for new beginnings.
Palo Santo Essential Oil

The essential oil that is produced by the Palo Santo tree has a woodsy aroma with undertones of citrus and mint. It is helps to heal ailments such as, common colds, flu symptoms, stress, asthma, headaches, anxiety, depression, inflammation, emotional pain, and more.
It is great for use in Aromatherapy by placing a few drops in a diffusing device. Furthermore, it is effective during massage to assist in calming the immune and nervous systems. It contains high levels of D-Limonene and Monotropenes that are useful for people undergoing chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.
A fascinating fact about this magical tree is that the essential oil can only be extracted from dead trees and fallen branches using vapor distillation without the use of dangerous chemicals or solvents. Once the tree finishes its life and death cycle the wood starts to compress and sweeten its essence. The oil then impregnates the heartwood and acquires all of the beneficial chemical healing properties that were previously latent in the tree. This natural safeguard insures that the tree will not be harvested before its vital cycle is complete.
The Palo Santo tree gives of its branches and oil abundantly to benefit mankind. Many Palo Santo products are created with much love, appreciation, and respect for the sacred trees.
How to Use Palo Santo

Use a candle, match, or lighter to ignite your stick of Palo Santo. Hold the stick at about a 45 degree angle pointing the tip down toward the flame. Allow it to burn for about 1 minute and then blow it out. Move about your work space, home, car, bathroom or anywhere you would like to clear the energy. When finished, place the stick in a fire proof bowl of metal, glass or clay. The glow will dim on its own unless you blow on the ember which will keep the smoke going.
Palo Santo and the Chakras
Palo Santo can be used to balance the chakras and promote healing in the body. Using both the wood and the oil can have a synergistic effect on the various parts of the body that are governed by the chakras. Palo Santo oil can also be used in balms, salves, soaps and body sprays to aid the chakras.
Palo Santo Jewelry

The Owl Sage Palo Santo Gemstone Bracelet can aid the process of promoting overall wellness and a feeling of connection to the earth. They are available for purchase in the webstore.
Owl Sage Dream Catcher Neckclaces are one of a kind and can be custom designed using a variety of colors, feathers, and charms. They are created with positive intentions to reflect one’s desires and wishes.
Contact us for a custom designed Owl Sage Palo Santo Dream Catcher.