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Mantras and Malas

Luck and Protection Mala

What is a Mantra?

A mantra is a powerful word, phrase, or sound vibration one chants to invoke positivity, compassion, healing, good fortune, protection, and bliss. The word mantra has two parts. Man is the root of the Sanskrit word for mind, and tra is the root of the word instrument. Meditating with mantras can help you enter a deep state of meditation if practiced regularly. When a mantra is chanted externally, it can have a profound effect on an individual or group. Alternatively, when it is chanted internally, it is the “inner sound” of the thought that helps one to focus the mind. As a result, Mantras and malas are often used together for meditation.

Om Mani Padme Hum

Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra

Om Mani Padme Hum is a mantra that means “Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus” in Indian Sanskrit and Tibetan texts. Chanting the mantra helps to protect oneself from negativity, reinforcing the positive qualities of existence.


Om is believed to be the first sound vibration of creation and the duality (ying/yang) that exists in the universe such as; matter/anti-matter, good/evil, positive/negative, male/female, night/day, hot/cold, black/white etc.


Mani means jewel and symbolizes the path of nurturing the strongest and richest qualities of the mind like the cultivation of a diamond.


Padme means lotus and is a symbol of the path to enlightenment. A lotus grows from the muddy waters into a beautiful flower resting above the water. An enlightened mind is similarly capable of rising above an environment that can be challenging (muddy) and blossoming with compassion and wisdom.


Hum represents the unity between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is potential power and can become wisdom through life experience, compassion and an understanding of consciousness and the human condition.

What is a Mala?

A mala is a string of 108 beads with one bead as the summit or head bead called a “sumeru” which is also considered to be the guru bead. Malas are used as a tool to help the mind focus on meditation or count mantras in sets of 108 repetitions. They are made from gemstones (which have different energies, properties and colors), seeds, wood or yak bone that match the intention of your practice. Additionally, Malas are most often made with round beads. The beads are usually 7-8mm in size and their shape allows them glide easily through your fingers.

What are Rudraksha Malas?

Rudraksha Mala

Rudraksha Beads are considered sacred and have been used for centuries by people for healing, protection & meditation. The word Rudraksha has it’s origins in the two Sanskrit words “Rudra” & “Aksha” meaning Lord Shiva & teardrops respectively.

According to legend, Lord Shiva entered into a deep meditation and cried tears of compassion for the well being of all living creatures. When he opened his eyes his teardrops fell upon the earth and took the form of seeds that became the Rudraksha tree. As a result, Rudraksha means “The Tears of Lord Shiva.” Lord Shiva is almost always portrayed wearing malas of Rudraksha beads on his head, arms, or hands.

It is believed Rudraksha seeds contain the secrets of the entire evolution of the cosmos within them. Rudraksha beads contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. Medicinally, they are said to heal the mind and body ailments, reduce heart disease and lower blood pressure. In addition, they increase clarity, awareness & insight, calm the central nervous system and cool the body. Furthermore, they help quiet the mind and free negative thought.

Rudraksha beads are excellent for mantras and malas. Wearing and meditating with Rudraksha seeds can help one connect with the higher realms of existence while promoting good health & overall well-being.

What are Bodhi Beads?

Bodhi Goddess Mala

Bodhi Beads are made from the wood of a Bodhi Tree and are a symbol of Buddha’s attainment of enlightenment. Bodhi beads are excellent to use with mantras and malas for grounding and while ascending. They are especially helpful when focusing on issues related to the root chakra.

What are Lotus Seeds?

Crown Lotus Mala

Lotus seeds are a symbol of compassion, universal love and enlightenment. Meditation with a lotus seed mala while using the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is an excellent way to focus one’s intention on the higher vibration of compassion and love.

Setting an Intention

  • Clarify the intention of your practice and choose your mantra and mala accordingly.
  • It’s a good idea to practice your mantra meditations consistently at around the same time every day if possible. This creates an energetic pattern and can be a very rewarding part of your day.
  • It is important that mantra meditation never be viewed as a chore. It is a daily ritual, practiced for all of the wonderful spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental benefits.
Set your mind free…

Meditating with Mantras and Malas

  1. Find a comfortable space and sit quietly in a cross legged position.
  2. Close your eyes and observe the speed and depth of your natural breath.
  3. Begin to breathe deeply and bring your focus and attention onto your mantra or affirmation.
  4. Place the guru bead between your thumb and ring or middle finger.
  5. Begin reciting your chosen mantra.
  6. Next, hang the first mala bead on the middle or ring finger to the outside. At the end of the mantra push the mala bead away with your thumb and move on to the next bead for another round.
  7. Continue all the way around saying a mantra for each bead until you have reached the last 108th bead, bringing you back to the guru bead at the head.
  8. You can either do 108 mantras or simply grab hold of the guru bead as you turn direction going back along the same way, and do another 108 mantras.
  9. Whether you decide to do 108 or 216 mantras you will definitely feel an effect.
Chakra Balance Mala
Client Cassandra Subject wearing a Mala custom designed by Susan Heather Ross.

Custom Malas

Chakra Balance Mala

Inner Voyage Wellness Malas are one of a kind, unique designs lovingly handcrafted using Semi-precious Gemstones, Rudraksha Seeds, Lotus Seeds & Bodhi Beads. Each Mala carries a high vibrational energy pattern using a combination of 108 beads with one guru bead at the summit for a total of 109 beads. They are created with a special selection of gemstones to represent the elements, chakras, deities, & many aspects of human existence. 

  • Crown Chakra Mala
  • Insight Moon Mala
  • Ganesha Confidence Mala
  • Fertile Goddess Mala
  • Truth and Expression Mala
  • Luck and Protection Mala
  • Nataraja Mala
  • Body Tree Mala
  • Gaia Mala
  • Abundance Hamsa Mala

Contact us for a custom designed created by Susan Heather Ross.