Angel Gemstone Bracelet


Angel Gemstone Bracelet: Call upon the angelic realm to guide and protect you on your path…

Opalite – spiritual communication, removes blockages and obstacles, healing (opalescent white)


Angel Gemstone Bracelet: Call upon the angelic realm to guide and protect you on your path…

Angels are supernatural beings that are a part of religions and belief systems around the world. Many people believe that when a person dies, he/she enters the spirit world and becomes an angel who watches over and guides the living. In addition, many religions describe the Creator sending archangels or guardian angels on a mission to help humankind. They embody kindness, compassion, protection, and guidance and each have duties to perform. There are representations of the archangels such as Gabriel, Michael, Ariel, Metatron, etc. in art, sculpture, architecture, scripture, and mythology throughout history.

When you wear this Angel Gemstone Bracelet, you can call upon the angels watching over you. It will help you to remove blockages, communicate spiritually, and heal your heart. It is created by Susan Heather Ross using Opalite to represent the connection between humankind and the angelic realm.

Attributes of this Gemstone Bracelet:

Opalite – spiritual communication, removes blockages and obstacles, healing (opalescent white)

Opalite is a manmade glass stone which symbolizes clear thinking, new beginnings, and joy. It has both spiritual and material qualities, which is why it is excellent for everyday challenges in life. It alleviates depression and helps with mood swings. Furthermore, it helps release negativity, calms the nerves, and soothes anxiety. As a result, Opalite brings inner peace and calm to your life.


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