Ganesha Gemstone Bracelet: Summon the guidance and protection of Ganesha with gratitude…
Wear this Ganesha gemstone bracelet to assist you on your spiritual journey. Ganesha is a Hindu deity who comes to your aide when you call upon him. He is the remover of obstacles and bestows wisdom in the Hindu belief system. The stones help empower you to improve your spiritual communication abilities. As a result, your blockages and anxiety are removed as obstacles lift from your path. Chanting the mantra Om Gum Gunapataye Namaha helps summon the guidance and protection of Ganesha. This sacred gemstone bracelet was created by Susan Heather Ross to aide you on your path as you face and overcome challenges in life.
Attributes of this Gemstone Bracelet:
Chrysocolla – removes anxiety, empowerment (blue/green)
Chrysocolla calms, cleanses, and balances the chakras. It heals heartache, guilt, and anxiety. It increases one’s level of compassion and is an empowerment stone.  In addition, it promotes psychic vision and spiritual communication. As a result, Chrysocolla fosters self-awareness, inner balance, peace, and calm.
Opalite – spiritual communication, removes blockages and obstacles, healing (opalescent white)
Opalite is a manmade glass stone which symbolizes clear thinking, new beginnings, and joy. It has both spiritual and material qualities, which is why it is excellent for everyday challenges in life. It alleviates depression and helps with mood swings. Furthermore, it helps release negativity, calms the nerves, and soothes anxiety. As a result, Opalite brings inner peace and calm to one’s life.
Turquoise – patience, good luck, joy (light blue)
Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras. Â It is particularly helpful with the throat chakra. Â It is excellent for depression and can help prevent panic attacks. Additionally, it promotes self-realization and protects one from harm. It also assists with creative problem solving. As a result, Turquoise has been used by many shamans, warriors, and spiritualists throughout history.
Onyx – alchemical transformation, growth (black)
Onyx gives strength and promotes spiritual growth. It helps with self-confidence and alleviates anxiety.  Additionally, it enhances self-control and wise decision-making. It brings about good fortune, and protects you on your path.  It absorbs and transmutes negative energy into positive energy. As a result, Onyx is an excellent stone for transformation.
Amethyst – spiritual purification, protection from negativity (violet)
Amethyst activates spiritual awareness and enhances psychic abilities. It relieves stress and soothes irritability. In addition, it dispels fear and anxiety. It alleviates sadness, grief, and dissolves negativity. Furthermore, it connects you with the angelic realm to receive guidance from light beings.
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