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Private Yoga Sessions

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Explore the energy system of your body known as the chakras through yoga, meditation, mantras, sound healing, and much more to promote healing and transform your life!

Learn the wisdom of the ancient sages of India, Tibet, Nepal, and other cultures around the world through the practice of Hatha / Kundalini yoga.

Build strength, stamina, confidence and feel more peaceful, centered and balanced.

Private online Zoom and/or in-person studio sessions can be scheduled with you in advance on a weekly or monthly basis.

The sessions are designed for every level from beginner to advanced and can be modified for physical limitations.

Hatha / Kundalini Flow

Almendres Cromlech in Portugal
Sacred site in Portugal (Almendres Cromlech)

Susan Heather Ross is a certified yoga instructor with over 20 years experience in practicing and teaching yoga using the Indian “Eight Limbs of Yoga” philosophy and Hatha, Vinyasa, and Kundalini styles of yoga. She has traveled to several countries around the globe and experienced a variety of traditional and expansive yoga practices with master yogis and yoginis.

Both Hatha and Kundalini Yoga began in India centuries ago and are considered among the original and traditional practices of Yoga using asana (postures), pranayama ( breath work), Kryias (meditative movements), mantras (affirmations) and meditation (oneness).

Hatha (sun/moon) yoga is practiced at a slower pace, with focus on the breath, controlled movements, and stretching. The word ‘hatha’ derives from the Sanskrit roots ‘ha’ (sun) and ‘tha’ (moon). Hatha yoga refers to the Yin/Yang aspects of existence; male and female, hot and cold, active and passive, light and dark, and the interplay of both throughout the cosmos and within us.

Kundalini yoga is a fast paced practice that incorporates rapid movements, breathwork and chanting designed to raise the vibrational frequency of an individual. Kundalini Shakti (creation) energy is awakened from its dormant, potential state at the base of the spine which can be transformed into active, kinetic energy that traverses the chakras along the spine and throughout the nadis (channels) in the human body. It is metaphorically represented by a coiled serpent wrapped around an “egg of creative potential” below the root chakra at the base of the spine. Once it is stimulated by yoga, meditation, certain plant medicines, mystical experiences, music and sound vibrations, etc. it may rise to the crown chakra which is often referred to as a “Kundalini Awakening.”

The desired outcome of this unique blend of Hatha / Kundalini yoga practice is to awaken, balance, and restore your spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental energetic fields of consciousness. It reinforces the positive qualities of each chakra while releasing stagnant energies that could be causing imbalances.

Susan has developed a unique yoga practice that encompasses the aforementioned concepts and will guide you through a life-changing experience that is traditionally taught in the sacred manner of teacher (guru) to student (disciple). She feels this is the best way to harness and focus the powerful yet subtle energies that Kundalini Shakti awakens within one’s body, mind and soul.

Does this style of yoga resonate with you?

Would you like to speak with Susan to ask questions and determine if this practice is a fit for you?

*An initial free (15 minute) phone or zoom consultation is offered to begin this sacred practice.

Please fill out the form below to set up your free consultation:

*After your consultation, you can choose from the available day/time slots listed below and purchase your session.

Session Availability:

Each session is 90 minutes in duration and is scheduled at least a week in advance via email once you have purchased either option through the store.

*Option 1 (online) – individual Zoom sessions in the comfort of your own space

$60 per session

Availability :

Monday – Thursday

3:00 – 4:30 PM or 6:00 – 7:30 PM (PST) 

6:00 – 7:30 PM or 9:00 – 10:30 PM (EST)

Saturday – Sunday

9:00 – 10:30 AM or 11:00 – 12:30 PM (PST)

11:00 – 12:30 PM or 1:00 – 2:30 PM (EST)   

*Option 2 (in person) – individual sessions in a private studio located in SW Las Vegas

$75 per session

Availability :

Monday – Thursday

3:00 – 4:30 PM or 6:00 – 7:30 PM (PST) 

Saturday – Sunday

9:00 – 10:30 AM or 11:00 – 12:30 PM (PST)   

Packages of four or more sessions are available upon request (10% discount will be applied).

I look forward to sharing this sacred practice with you… Namaste

Note: The modern practice of Kundalini yoga, “as taught by Yogi Bhajan” which is associated with the 3HO organization, differs from the traditional style of one on one (guru to disciple). It is generally a group practice that follows some of the original aspects of Kundalini taught thousands of years ago in India in a sequence of movements, breathwork, and chants that last approximately 11 minutes per cycle. It was developed by an Indian man named Harbhajan Singh Yogi and brought to the USA during the latter part of the 1960s. He founded the 3HO (Happy, Healthy, Holy) organization in 1969 in order to bring the practice of Kundalini yoga to the public sector.

Disclaimer: The Kundalini practice offered by Inner Voyage Wellness is not affiliated with the 3HO organization.